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15 Jul

Aspris Fostering Services signs Black Care Experience Charter

Aspris Fostering Services signs Black Care Experience Charter

Aspris Fostering Services is proud to have signed the Black Care Experience Charter; a declaration of support and commitment to improve the care, outcomes and life chances of black children in care.

The charter serves to recognise and promote the experience of black children in care, which includes foster and residential care.

As part of the commitment made by signing the charter, we will seek to ensure the cultural needs of black children in care are recognised, valued and met. We understand that whilst children in care face barriers to achieving their potential, black children in care often, if not always, have additional barriers to overcome.

Sally Gregory, Managing Director of Aspris Fostering Services, said:

“As a fostering agency based in the West Midlands we serve a diverse and multi-cultural population.

“We consider it our responsibility to educate ourselves with regards to the unique set of challenges which face black children in care so that we can better support our foster families and children.”

Our input into the charter, which is run by the Black Care Experience organisation, means we’re helping shape research and change to improve the experiences of black children as they journey through the care system.

To learn more about Aspris Fostering Services, click here.